5 Problems That Property Owner Associations Face and How Club Management Software Can Help
By Srishti Singh

There are some problems that just always seem to crop up for a property owner association (POA) or homeowner association (HOA).
Some have resigned themselves to just living with the challenges. Others look to technology to help mitigate them. That’s a step in the right direction. But these well-intentioned attempts can fall short if you don’t have a solution that can integrate all aspects of your operation.
Let’s take a look at 5 problems and how POAs and HOAs can put the right technology to work to evict the challenges from their operations.
Problem 1: Disparate systems give you headache after headache
Unfortunately, it’s not unusual for a POA or HOA to have multiple systems, each handling a different aspect of the operation. In fact, it’s too easy to just accept all the inefficiencies — and risks like the errors and omissions that come with importing and exporting data from one system to another.
Add to that the work it takes to update and maintain everything as well as train any staff on multiple systems.
But you don’t have to accept these headaches. There are systems like Northstar’s that integrate all aspects of your operation. So you only pay for and maintain one system. And if you ever have a question, there’s only one support number you need to remember.
Since the system is integrated, it all operates on one database. This gives you powerful reporting and, most importantly, one source of truth to help you make better decisions in your operation.
Problem 2: Lost or forgotten work orders
It’s crucial to maintain the standards of the community. A reliable system for work orders is a vital part of that. Today’s leading solutions bring all aspects of managing work orders into one system. Once requests are logged, they are automatically populated to your crew’s devices in the field, so they know exactly the scope of work. Your community member can track the progress of the work order online or through the community app. And once the work is marked complete, any charges to the member can be automatically billed.

Work orders don’t get lost. Billing isn’t forgotten.
There are other advantages as well like the ability to schedule recurring tasks and to transmit work orders to third-party service providers.
Problem 3: An out-of-touch gatehouse that upsets residents and guests
It can be embarrassing to have a visiting guest detained, especially after you went through the trouble to notify the gatehouse.
Today’s technology can make that scenario a thing of the past. It can give your members the security they appreciate without sacrificing the hospitality to their family and guests.
A modern system will allow your members to schedule guest visits online or through the association app. At the gatehouse, attendants can immediately see approved visitors. Members can even schedule recurring visitors like a housekeeper or gardener.
Once guests arrive, the attendant confirms the visit and the system automatically notifies your member of their arrival.
Problem 4: Overlooked billable charges
There is no problem quite as crucial as overlooked billable charges. After all, it has a direct impact on the financial viability of your POA or HOA. Moreover, it can result in you constantly worrying that you’re missing something important.
You can get real relief from the worry with association management software that operates on one database. These systems integrate all aspects of your association. So all assessments, fees, dues, and more are captured in the system. With Northstar’s solution, those assessments can be efficiently routed to accounting and automatically billed. In fact, you can schedule recurring charges and offer ACH and credit card payment options to your members.
Problem 5: Missing the indicators and trends
Disparate systems lead to a hodgepodge of information, making it near impossible to glean any meaningful insights about your operation.
With an association management system operating on one database, you can get a clearer picture. You can see across the entire operation. You can set up key indicators to track. And implement powerful reporting that allows you to identify trends and opportunities.
All of this helps you make decisions that improve the health of your POA or HOA while ensuring the satisfaction of your members.
For more on how to eliminate the problems that can plague a POA or HOA, request a demo of the Northstar system. It’s a comprehensive solution built on one database to give you unprecedented control over all aspects of your operation. Request your demo, today.